The journey of life and death is a compilation of stories that encapsulate the essence of our existence. Throughout this journey, we often find ourselves assuming roles without fully comprehending their significance, which can lead to moments of profound suffering. However, when our consciousness awakens to the realization that we are active participants in a grand narrative, our awareness expands exponentially.
We transcend the confines of our limited sense of self, recognizing our interconnectedness with the vast cosmos, composed of particles and atoms. As this understanding dawns upon us, the notion of ‘I’ dissolves, revealing a deeper truth about our place in the universe.
Among the many stories inspired by true incidents are ‘Dementia: A Dog’s Life in a Human Body,’ ‘Beyond Boundaries,’ ‘A Star’s Life,’ ‘Mushtaq Kasai,’ and ‘The Leader.’ Additionally, there are concepts and narratives that I have been developing over the years, such as ‘Fix Free,’ ‘Gypsy Khanabodosh,’ ‘Ringmaster,’ ‘Angry Iron Lady,’ and ‘English Country.’ Boon, ‘Ringmaster’ has been a labour of love spanning over twelve years of dedication and creativity. ‘The Trust’ was written back in 2005.
Each story holds its own intrinsic meaning, delving into the depths of our origins and probing the fundamental questions of who we are and the purpose of our existence.