Synopsis: “1922 Pratikar Chauri Chaura” is based on a true story. The film released on 30th June 2023 in India and on 4th August 2023 in the USA and UK. The truth of Chauri Chaura
Films produced by Sarayu Vision.
Synopsis: “1922 Pratikar Chauri Chaura” is based on a true story. The film released on 30th June 2023 in India and on 4th August 2023 in the USA and UK. The truth of Chauri Chaura
Synopsis: When a gangster hires Razia, an upcoming actress, to dance at his New Year’s Eve party, her boyfriend swaps Razia with Sanjana, a journalist, setting off a series of unexpected events. Released : 12
Synopsis: After his first novel ‘Light House flops, wealthy, Delhi-based Akash Dev, with the help of his editor, Khanna, decides to travel to a small village, Shivpura, to meet with Gandhian Jayshankar Chaube, and write
Synopsis : Dark Rainbow is a musical love story. The central character Ruhi (played by Sara Khan) is in love with a talented musician, Ranbir (Mayur Mehta). Rann has a band called Rainbow. Director, Screenplay &
Synopsis : Be the change film is about how people themselves can be the change rather than waiting for change to come.